
Salima District Football League-By M & B Company

Salima district football league 2023 season, initial contract signed for 2 years 2023-2024 season and its been anticipated to continue/ renewal for other coming football seasons.

2023 season was the trophy was at 3 million and administration and other logistics costed approximately 4.5 Million kwacha . giving us a total of about 7.5 million kwacha contribution for the 20223 Season.

This event called arpon about 32 teams from within Salima District. giving us a total of about 1,000 youths/players directly involved and in total about 10,000 supporters/ spectators/followers where socially entertained .

Event Overview:

The 3 Million Kwacha League was a football tournament organized by M & B Company Company ( Tamu Tamu Health Drink Ginger) Company in collaboration with local stakeholders and community leaders. The tournament aimed to promote sportsmanship, community cohesion, and youth empowerment while providing a platform for talented footballers in the Salima region.

Key Highlights:

1. Inclusivity: The tournament welcomed teams from various communities in Salima, ensuring inclusivity and representation from diverse backgrounds.

2. Youth Empowerment: By organizing the event, M & B Company Company ( Tamu Tamu Health Drink Ginger) provided an avenue for young football enthusiasts to showcase their talents, fostering a sense of purpose and pride among participants.

3. Community Engagement: The tournament attracted spectators from neighboring communities, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and unity among residents of Salima.

4. Economic Stimulus: The event provided economic opportunities for local vendors, as spectators and participants patronized food stalls and other businesses during the tournament.

League Impact Assessment:

1. Social Impact: The 3 Million Kwacha League created a positive social impact by promoting community engagement, youth empowerment, and sportsmanship. It brought people together, transcending social barriers and fostering a sense of belonging.

2. Economic Impact: The event injected revenue into the local economy through increased business activity, benefiting vendors and small businesses in the Salima area.

3. Cultural Promotion: By celebrating local talent and cultural diversity, the tournament helped preserve and promote Malawian heritage, contributing to cultural enrichment and appreciation.

Sustainability and Future Initiatives:

M & B Company Company ( Tamu Tamu Health Drink Ginger) is committed to sustainability and plans to build on the success of the 3 Million KwachaLeague by organizing similar events in the future. Additionally, the company will explore other CSR initiatives aimed at addressing community needs, such as education, healthcare, and environmental conservation.

The 3 Million Kwacha League organized by M & B Company Company ( Tamu Tamu Health Drink Ginger) exemplifies the company’s dedication to corporate social responsibility and community development. Through events like these, M & B Company Company ( Tamu Tamu Health Drink Ginger) continues to make a meaningful impact on the lives of people in Salima, Malawi, while upholding its commitment to ethical business practices and sustainable growth.

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